2015년 7월 31일 금요일

Stir-Fried Pork in Fish Sauce

I am very excited to introduce you to this surprise dish. It takes you only at $4 (for 3 persons) and several minutes to cook this. But, this is surprisingly delicious. In this dish, we use only one pan.

pork (front leg)               300g              
fish sauce                      1 tablespoon
sugar                             1 tablespoon  
onion                             1
chive                              to garnish       
salt and pepper

1. Cut vegetables.

2. Sprinkle sugar on the preheated pan. Make sure that the pan is very hot.

3. When sugar turns brown, place pork on the pan.

4. Season it with salt and pepper. Use a minimum amount of salt as we season this more with fish sauce.

5. When the surface of pork is cooked, add fish sauce and stir it.

6. Add vegetables. Place pork on top of vegetables.

7. Serve the pork in the cooking pan.

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