2015년 7월 22일 수요일

Bossam - Korean-Style Pork-Belly Wraps

Bossam is one of Korean favorite foods. But, I didn't like it much...I have zero tolerance for piggy smell. I usually stayed away from home-cooked pork. Many people use Korean bean paste to get rid of piggy smell in bossam. But, it is such a sad taste!!!

I made bossam several times to my disappointment and gave up. But, after researching pork dishes and cooking them myself hundreds of times, I finally found a way to remove piggy smell 100%. I don't even use exotic ingredients. My ingredients, in fact, are as simple as they get.


pork                                    550g                     
green onions                      two (green parts)
garlic                                  3 cloves                
bay leaf                              1-2
salt and pepper                                               

1. Put green onions, minced garlic and one bay leaf in a boiling water.

2. Place pork in the above.

3. Blanch the pork for 30 seconds and take it out of water.

4. Season the pork with salt and pepper.

5. Place the pork in a steaming basket and put it back to the pot.

6. Put the lid on and bring down the heat to the smallest flame. Cook it for 60 minutes.

7. Turn the heat off after 60 minutes. Cut the pork and serve it with dried radish pickle and shrimp sauce.

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