2015년 7월 17일 금요일

Korean-style spicy soup (Jjamppong)

Jjamppong is, in fact, served in Chinese restaurants. But, I think it is trully inspired by Korean (not Chinese) cooking style and Korean way of eating. So, I would call it a Korean-style spicy soup.

We usually eat this with noodle or rice. But, it is quite great on its own, particularly as a hang-over food. It is so easy to make and so delicous.

Ingredients (5 persons)

squid                                    1                                  
minced garlic                        1 tablespoon
onion                                    1                                  
green onion                          1 stalk (only white part)
Asian cabbage                     several leaves             
red pepper                            1
green pepper                        1                                  
red pepper flakes                 1-2 tablespoon
soy sauce                             1 tablespoon               
chicken stock                        350 ml
water                                     350 ml                        

1. cut vegetables into any size you like

2. criss-cross the squid with a knife and cut into a rectangular shape.

3. put all aromatic vegetables on a pan all in once and stir them.

4. add red pepper flakes to the above.

5. add soy sauce. Soy sauce should hit the pan, not the vegetables.

This is to allow amino acid and sugar in soy sauce to develop hundreds of flavors - i.e. the Maillard reaction. These flavors are developed at 120-180 degree C. If soy sauce hits vegetables, the temperature is unlikely to go beyond 100 degree C - losing the opportunity to develop flavors.

6. add Asian cabbage and the squid.

7. add chicken stock

8. put the lid on the pan and boil it for 3-4 minutes. It is done.

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